The Honu Coffee Story
We had our first date at a coffee house in Oregon. Coffee has always been a part of our lives and our relationship—but it’s not just us. Communities around the world unite around coffee and coffee houses. Deals are made, relationships are started and forged, creativity flourishes, knowledge grows, and palates are satisfied in coffee houses.
When we opened in 2014, there was coffee available in Santa Clarita, but there was no true coffee house. We wanted to change that. We wanted to create a place that felt comfortable, cozy, inviting, welcoming, and never rushed. We never liked feeling like we were imposing because we wanted to hang out, but isn’t that what coffee shops are for? We think so, too.
Old Town Newhall businesses are bucking the trend of shopping malls, chain restaurants and stores, and faceless corporations taking your money out of your local economy. It felt like the perfect place to open a coffee house that was genuinely a part of the community. We have since found that the group of business owners in our little corner of the valley is an amazing group of people who truly care about their teams, customers, and community. We are so honored to be among them.
But we don’t view Honu Coffee as our coffee house. We view Honu Coffee as your coffee house. Without the community, Honu would just be a building with equipment in it. It is not truly a coffee house until it is filled with people, the sound of voices sharing themselves over a cup of coffee, the sound of milk steaming, the smell of freshly ground coffee and warm pastries, and the almost tangible feeling of relationships. Once you experience it, you will know what we are talking about.
Come into Honu Coffee in Old Town Newhall and be welcomed; sit back, relax, and slow down for a bit. Read a book, play a game, or share a story. We can’t wait to see you!
-John and Darla